Sunday, September 16, 2012

The 10 Count: Q&A with Off The Ropes Show's Schlegdaddy

You may have seen their videos on YouTube, Twitter or various wrestling sites around the web.

And if you're a member of the Internet Wrestling Community or the YouTube Wrestling Community, there's a rather good chance that you've checked out the Off The Ropes Show.

But in case you don't know what OTRS is, it's a production by wrestling fans for wrestling fans. The sometimes two, sometimes three, sometimes four or sometimes five friends kickstarted a wrestling YouTube channel two years ago. They produce videos spanning anywhere from pay-per-view reviews to "Insert wrestler here" sucks rants.

Their incredibly intriguing opinions, along with their witty sense of humor, have made their show a must-see for many wrestling nerds with computers.

So in an effort to get better acclimated with the minds of the popular YouTube channel, I decided to talk with the show's unofficial leader.

Check out my question and answer session after the jump with Jeff Schlegel, better known to us as The Schlegdaddy.

1. Why did you start the Off The Ropes Show?

Tony and I decided to start OTRS because one of my friends was doing a wrestling radio show for his high school and we thought, hell, we could do that and be better.

2. What is your favorite part about running the show?

I really enjoy the fact that every time, whether it is myself or all of us, that literally thousands of people care enough to hear what we think and have to say that they would want to watch our videos. Also knowing that people in the business know who we are and have watched our vids is actually kind of weird and humbling.

"15 Reasons Randy Orton Sucks" is perhaps the most popular OTRS video.

3. What are your earliest memories as a wrestling fan?

My earliest memories are being four years old and seeing guys like Baron Von Raschke in the AWA and, of course, Hulk Hogan hanging around with Mr. T. 

4. Why did you fall in love with the business?

The reason I fell in love with the business was Hulk Hogan. He was just this larger than life, All-American good guy that I wanted to be just like. It really was Hogan's feud with Andre [The Giant] in 1987 and 1988 that got me hooked for life.

5. Taking all factors into account (wrestling ability, microphone skills, draw power, etc.), who do you think is the greatest wrestler of all-time?

I still think Hogan is the greatest of all-time because of what he did for the business. However, if we are talking about the five-tool talent in the history of the wrestling business, that unquestionably has to be The Rock.

6. Whose legacy do you think is most often overlooked/underrated?

The most underrated wrestler of all-time is easily Gorgeous George. He was the first one to understand that wrestling should be sports entertainment. Just about everything done by heels in wrestling over the past 70 years was first done by Gorgeous George. He also had a tremendous impact on pop culture in the '40's, '50's and '60's. See Muhammad Ali.

7. Which current non-main event wrestler has what it takes to be the next big star in the WWE?

I really think Alex Riley has what it takes. He has the look, the mic ability and can go in the ring better than what he gets credit for. His size/athleticism combination is something the WWE could use in their main event scene.

8. What is your dream match that you never got the chance to see?

If on my deathbed I could choose one match that never happened that I would get to see, it would be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Hulk Hogan. Just imagine the two men that spearheaded the two biggest eras in WWF/WWE history meeting in the ring at the main event of WrestleMania.

9. Do you see the WWE meeting any serious competition within the next decade?

TNA could become viable competition in the next decade for the WWE but only if they got somebody with a lot of money to come in and use those sources to elevate TNA (TED TURNER).

10. What did having a part in this year's Tragos/Thesz Hall of Fame weekend mean to you?

Being a part of the 2012 Tragos/Thesz Hall of Fame weekend was a wonderful lifetime experience for all of OTRS being the big wrestling fans we are. Imagine being able to hang out with guys like Road Warrior Animal, JBL, Jim Ross and Gerald Brisco. It's an incredible place, an awesome event all wrestling fans should put in their bucket list of things to do at least once in their lives.

Schlegdaddy interviews 2012 inductee Road Warrior Animal.

For more Schlegdaddy and OTRS, visit their YouTube channel at the link below:

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