Saturday, September 29, 2012

New WWE '13 Screenshots

Game developer THQ has come out with more screenshots from the upcoming WWE '13 title.

The video game is set to be released on November 2nd in the United States.

Follow through after the jump to check out the newest pictures from the latest installment of the franchise.

 (Undertaker going for Snake Eyes on Sheamus.)

 ("Latino Heat" Eddie Guerrero taking on Alberto Del Rio.)

 (Woo, woo, woo!. It's Zack Ryder and you know it.)

 (The "Hitman" Bret Hart representing the Attitude Era.)

 (A five-second pose, video game style, for Edge and Christian.)

(Speaking of the Attitude's Ken Shamrock!) 

 (Justin Gabriel takes flight with a moonsault.)

 (R-Truth feeling JBL's Clothesline from Hell.)

 (Kane chokeslams his former tag partner, X-Pac.)

 (Big Daddy Cool squares off against the Funkasaurus.)

 (The classic Undertaker-Mankind scene revisited.)

 (With Mankind as the special ref, Undertaker tries to put away Stone Cold Steve Austin.)

(A top rope suplex featuring Big Show and Mark Henry causes the ring to collapse.)

For more screenshots, videos and information on WWE '13, visit this link at

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